About IMKH

IMKH was founded to manage kharl’s music activities.

The team consists of kharl Sanguk Kang, and iM, with the following roles:
kharl Sanguk Kang: Music production, website development, and overall planning
iM: Marketing strategy, content creation, procurement, and general administration

Since the team is composed of two members, if one takes on a leadership role in a specific area, the other automatically becomes the team member. Major decisions are made through discussions and meetings.

Meaning of the Team Name IMKH

IMKH is an abbreviation for “I might be the kharl,” meaning “I may or may not be kharl.”
This reflects the idea that kharl is not a proper noun belonging to a specific individual but rather a general term that anyone can use.

Within the team, Sanguk Kang actively embraces the kharl identity as a music creator, but iM is also kharl.
In other words, kharl is not just a person but a concept, which is further explained below.


The reason the first letter of “kharl” is lowercase is that it is not a proper noun but a common noun.

A single dandelion, even if it has unique characteristics compared to other dandelions, is a dandelion. Likewise, dandelions, despite being distinct from other flowers, are flowers. Just as something that meets the criteria of a dandelion is given the name “dandelion,” the same applies to “kharl”. The criterion for determining whether someone is “kharl” is “thinking so oneself”. It is out of the recognition of others. Even if everyone thinks you are a kharl, you may not be, and even if no one sees you as a kharl, you can be.

The initial basis of identity “kharl” is its music. I see liking someone’s music as a way of forming even the slightest connection with them. Therefore, anyone who resonates with the lyrics or vibe of kharl’s music can be kharl. (This is the background behind the team name “imightbethekharl”—though, as mentioned earlier, the decision of whether one is kharl or not is entirely up to the individual.) The identity thereafter is something that each kharl shapes for themselves, and if no one considers themselves kharl, the concept disappears.

Anyway, since kharl is not a proper noun, I introduce myself as either “a kharl who makes music” or “kharl + my real name.” For this kharl who makes music, music is a means of expression—he seeks to leave legacy of his life through music. Primarily, because the process helps him organize his thoughts, and secondarily, he hopes that the result might, in some way, be of help to someone else.